No Savior For The Liberals

They say, “The bridge is over, the bridge is over” Nah, this is a time we destroy and rebuild it - Nas - Destroy And Rebuild

The Liberal Party of Canada aka The LPC aka Trudeau’s Band of Malevolent Miscreants is set to hold a caucus meeting this Wednesday, preceded by regional meetings on Monday and Tuesday. Sources à la the gossip mill on social media suspect Trudeau may finally be taking his exit cue as Party leader by mid week.

For anyone who’s been following this dumpster fire as it’s been flowing down river, it all came to a head when Freeland dropped her bombshell of a 2 week notice, stepping down as Finance Minister and leaving cabinet. No longer wanting to peddle any more feel-good anecdotal band-aids aka the miniscule $250 relief stipend to Canadians that was to come in her suspected budget update.

Since then we’ve seen MPs from all across Canada rally together, creating petitions asking the PM to resign. Now rumors of both Freeland and even Mike Carney making phone calls to gather support for becoming the next leader of the Party are all over Bluesky and Twitter.

Regardless of which Russian doll becomes the next talking head and leader of the party, the LPC is in fact doomed for failure. There’s no conceivable outcome, no leader, no Liberal savior who can right this ship to defeat Poilievre, who just last week amassed over 30 million views in an interview with famed whimpering psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson.

It’s times like these when I really question the Ottawa bubble that MPs and leaders live in. Which brilliant minded politician thinks that now is the time to take charge of the party? I think anyone wanting the job thinking they’d be able to course correct in the polls and give the party a fighting chance should be automatically disqualified from any public position on sheer grounds of mental instability.

Freeland or Carney both making calls wanting MP support to become leader should have us questioning their rationality, and existence on this mortal plane.

Parliamentary democracies are a funny thing in general. Having this snake eating its own tail charm to them. Regional MPs get elected and the party with the most MPs forms government, but each MP’s ability to get elected really rests on who they have as the head. So while interim leadership hopefuls all scurry around garnering support to be the leader from MPs, it’s the MPs in the end whose fates rest on whether that leader can then deliver them back their seat. Which sadly none of the current prospects or any that are willing to be put on the table can or will.

So the party’s search now becomes who is the least combustible prospect. Not that any of these leadership hopefuls can stop the fire, but rather who can wane the flames just enough to save a sitting MP from needing to update their LinkedIn profile.

Back to my original question of which competent and medically cleared sane puppeteer would want to take on that role? Which sane leadership hopeful is willing to pitch the “ya we’re going to lose, but at least I might be able to save the seat up in Danforth North, or Brampton East?”

In sports there’s a term Toronto fans are all too familiar with - tanking. It’s when a team is destined for a bad season or at least doesn’t have much upside that it becomes more beneficial to lose than it does to try and win with the hopes of getting better draft picks later on.

I’m not suggesting the Liberals tank, per se, I’m just suggesting that instead of trying to fight the current, and swim against the tide, they lean into it. Double down on whatever agenda you got going, and embrace the fire you’ve already set. Lean into the ideologies and hammer at the opposition all the things you hate about them. Go out in a blaze of glory to be remembered by, because no level of course correcting is going to suffice here.

Maybe I am just a cynic wanting to watch it all burn and from the ashes await a phoenix of sorts to arise. Or maybe, I just think that the only way for the party to move forward is accept its incoming L as gracefully as it can. Continue to own its mistakes, start the farewell tour and eat the loss as humbly as a morbidly obese chicken would feed on its own kin. Leave with everyone asking, “where was this for the last year.”

Play like the team that has nothing left to lose.